Should You Go to the ER for Dental Emergencies?

April 26, 2024

person having dental emergency holding cheek

Nobody wants a medical emergency to ruin a fun night out or a quiet evening at home. Whether you’re at a birthday party or having dinner with family, dental emergencies always seem to happen at the worst times. It can be hard to stay calm and know what to do next. Should you go to your dentist or head to the emergency room? Keep reading to learn if the ER is the right choice for dental emergencies.

Why You Should Visit the Dentist Instead of the ER 

When a medical emergency arises, the ER might seem like the best option. However, this isn’t usually true for dental emergencies. Hospital staff are skilled, but there are typically no dentists available. They can provide some relief, but you’ll still need to see a dentist for proper care.

Additionally, ER visits often involve long wait times, which can allow your dental issue to worsen. Dentists, on the other hand, often offer quick, same-day emergency appointments. Plus, trips to the ER generally cost more than visiting a dentist.

When to Visit the Emergency Room Instead 

While it’s generally best to see your dentist for a dental emergency, there are times when the emergency room is the better choice. Head to the ER instead of the dentist if:

  • You suspect your life is at risk due to difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • You have a high fever caused by a tooth infection
  • You’re experiencing uncontrollable bleeding
  • You’ve suffered serious facial injuries
  • Your jaw is broken

So, while ER staff will try to help during a dental emergency, it’s usually better to see your dentist. Dentists have the specialized training and tools needed to handle dental issues effectively. They can restore your smile and help you feel better before you know it!

About the Practice

The dedicated team at Land, Walker, Moosavi & Moosavi Family Dentistry provides comprehensive dental care, including preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments. Located in Moorsetown, they are well-equipped to handle dental emergencies. They offer a range of exceptional dental services to get your beam back on track. With their expertise, your smile will be restored quickly and effectively. If you are ready to learn more about managing dental emergencies or would like to schedule an appointment with Land, Walker, Moosavi & Moosavi Family Dentistry, call their office at (856) 235-0449 or visit their website.

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