A Little Long in the Tooth: How Old Is Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

October 27, 2023

Woman has curious expression

With age comes wisdom, but it also makes you grow out of a few things. You may fondly remember watching Saturday morning cartoons, taking a few months off for summer vacation, and going out in public dressed like a superhero, but those days may be well behind you. Fortunately, you’re never too old for cosmetic dental treatments. Here are a few ways your dentist can beautify your smile at any age.


Can Teenagers Benefit From Cosmetic Dentistry?

August 22, 2023

A young girl showing off her new cosmetic dentistry treatments

Facebook, Instagram, Spoutible, and other social media platforms have completely changed the way teens—and society in general—think about their smiles. No longer are they simply part of your intimate image, but now they can be part of your brand. The demographics for cosmetic dentistry are slowly changing, but is that a good thing?

Continue reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry treatments and whether they’re right for your teen.


Understanding the Purpose and Benefits of Temporary Veneers

July 16, 2023

A man smiling with his new veneers

After your veneer treatment at your dentist’s office, you’ll be fitted with a set of temporary veneers. These are glued over your teeth with a special temporary cement that will make them easy to remove once your permanent prosthetics arrive.

But if they’re just going to be removed, why have them in the first place? The temporaries may seem bulky and perhaps even a little uncomfortable for the time that you must wear them, but they serve several essential purposes.

Continue reading to learn about the necessity of temporary veneers.


Can Veneers Potentially Cause Tooth Sensitivity?

July 8, 2023

picture of someone drinking coffee

Veneers are one of the most powerful tools in all of cosmetic dentistry. They’re capable of covering up just about any problem that you could possibly have—chips, cracks, discoloration, and even radical misalignment of your smile.

However, getting veneers requires adjusting to a pretty radical change in your smile. One thing that people worry about is sensitivity. If that’s a concern for you, here’s what you should know about the prospect of developing sensitivity from your veneers.

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