Sleep Tight Without the Bite: Expert Tips for Managing Bruxism and Protecting Your Teeth at Night

May 21, 2024

As the moon ascends into the night sky and a hush falls over the world, not everyone is settling into a restful slumber. For many, the night awakens a condition known as bruxism – an involuntary grinding and clenching of the teeth that can lead to a host of dental issues. At Dr. Suzanne Land & Associates Family Dentistry in Moorestown, NJ, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy smile even through the night. Under the compassionate guidance of Dr. Land, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing sage advice and effective treatment options for those battling the nocturnal nemesis of bruxism.


Unveiling the Art of Mouth Guards: Professional vs. Pharmacy-Made

October 13, 2023

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the intricate details that set professional and pharmacy-made mouth guards apart, discuss their manufacturing processes, and explore the myriad ways in which they benefit our patients.

Mouth guards, often unsung heroes in oral health, play a pivotal role in protecting your teeth, jaw, and overall well-being. So, let’s dive right in and understand the differences between these two types of mouth guards, why they are essential, and how they can serve you best.
