Spit and Shine: Uncovering the Crucial Role of Saliva in Maintaining Oral Health and Natural Ways to Boost Your Flow

May 14, 2024

Welcome to the fascinating world of oral health, where something as seemingly simple as saliva plays a star role in maintaining the well-being of our mouths. The significance of this natural fluid is often overshadowed by more talked-about dental care practices like brushing and flossing. However, Dr. Suzanne Land, a renowned advocate of family dentistry, is here to illuminate the critical function saliva serves and how you can naturally enhance its production for a healthier smile.


Did You Know? 13 Fascinating Facts from Land Walker Moosavi & Moosavi Family Dentistry

January 10, 2024

At Land Walker Moosavi & Moosavi Family Dentistry, we understand that dental health goes beyond routine cleanings and occasional procedures. The world of the mouth is truly fascinating, and here are 13 fun dental facts that shed light on the intriguing realm of teeth.
